为了更好地给予顾客 佳买东西感受,亚马逊对于一些vip会员日产品开展了上架限定,在这段时间除非是商家得到市场销售受权,不然不可市场销售。
很多荟员和商家已经四处掏钱找申诉方式,可是在这儿荟网晓静 先把亚马逊內部必须见到的申诉信的內容发送给大伙儿,期待可以让大伙儿尽早回应销售权:
1 申诉要点:表明目地
Hello Amazon Team,
We are writing to appeal the delisting of some of our listings, and we hope you could reinstate them in your earliest convinence.
2 给出下线的产品和时间点
The following ASINs have been delisted from Amazon Marketplace, on the 实际日期
3 给出具体的直接证据
As you can see from our account, the ASINs above have been performing very well and here are the proof:
Released on: 上架日期
(表明,上架時间:很重要, 好是在3个月以前上架,由于 近1个月上下上架的产品极有可能会没法在节日季市场销售)
Total Customer Ratings: xx Ratings and xx Stars 点评星际帝国和总数
(表明,商品的实际点评总数和评星, 好是在4星以上,假如达不上,3.5星以上也可有利于审核通过,沒有评星的商品将有可能没法在节日季市场销售)
Order Defect Rate: 订单信息缺陷率
4 给出计划
无论是不是自身的问题,大家都必须给出实际计划,也就是POA,表明怎样确保不容易产生问题。而在这里,亚马逊 关心的便是有些人在节日季趁机虚报市场销售,收款不安排发货,危害顾客利益。英语描述为:
We understand it's Amazon's core value to protect buyers' benefit, and we hope the Plan of Action (POA) below would reassure you we would provide supreme products and service to Amazon customers:
1. Fully Understand and Follow Selling Policy, we have asked our team to study selling policy 2 days ago, and everyone understand what are the "red lights" on Amazon;
2. Intellectual Property Rights Protection: We have hired an IP Solicitor and reviewed all our listings and we believe our products would not cause any copyrights infringement;
3. Punctuality of Shipment: We have shipped ample inventory to Amazon Fulfillment Warehouses, and all our orders will be fulfilled by Amazon;
4. We have also hired a accountant to review our tax return status and we are confident our performance is in complliance with EU Tax Regulations.
5 规定亚马逊修复销售权
Based on facts and statement above, we hope you could reinstate our listings inyour earliest convenience, should you have any further question, please feel free to let usknow.Thank you very much!Kind regards,
我是荟网晓静 (amazon1918) 2005年进到跨境电子商务领域,协助过百余家公司进到欧美 销售市场,在其中就包含目前电商行业大型企业,非常商家!相关跨境电子商务每个服务平台(Amazon eBay wish……)的进驻、选品、运营,站里外推广引流这些问题都能够跟我说!