

  • 第三季度GMV同比下降10%达195亿美元。

  • 第三季度营收同比增加11%达到25.01亿美元,高于预测的24.6亿美元。

  • 非 GAAP 每股摊薄收益为90美分,高于预测的89美分。

  • 净利润同比下降53%降为2.83亿美元,低于市场预期的4.6亿美元。

  • 全球活跃买家同比下降5%总数为1.54亿。



#site_name#了解到,eBay预计第四季度营收将在25.7亿美元-26.2亿美元之间,每股收益在0.72美元-0.76美元之间,而分析师预计第四季度收入为 26.5 亿美元,每股收益为 1 美元。鉴于eBay第四季度预计低于分析师预期,财报发布后eBay的股价下降了4.30%。

#site_ Name# learned that eBay expects fourth quarter revenue to be between $2.57 billion and $2.62 billion, with earnings per share between $0.72 and $0.76, while analysts expect fourth quarter revenue to be $2.65 billion, with earnings per share of $1. Since eBay's fourth quarter forecast was lower than analysts' expectations, eBay's share price fell 4.30% after the financial report.Instagramtant Instagram followers

小编✎   Estella/#site_name#
